
Beginning PGY2 and continuing through PGY4, residents receive a weekly, half day psychotherapy seminar incorporated into didactic time. Seminar topics cover major
modalities of psychotherapy, clinical pearls of patient care, and neurobiology/psychology interface. Content is led by the course director, with the incorporation of guest lecturers and guest mini-series, depending on specialty.

Residents will also interact as presenters, discussing cases and presenting patient interactions. Selected patient sessions between residents and patients will be video-
recorded and shared in group to facilitate learning. Supportive Psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy are taught to PGY2s. PGY3s and PGY4s participate in an
ongoing Psychodynamic Psychotherapy curriculum.
One hour of psychotherapy supervision is expected each week. Supervision is completed in a 1:1 format with a designated therapy supervisor.
Residents also complete six months of either personal psychotherapy or counter-transference-focused supervision to further their understanding of themselves and their
practice. This is a graduation requirement.

Students at desk