Past Work Experiences:
- Boise VA Medical Center
- Staff Psychiatrist (2001-Present)
- Associate Chief of Staff, Performance Improvement (2017-Present)
- Chief, Psychiatry (2009-2017)
- Consulting Psychiatrist, Boise VA Medical Center (2001-present); Idaho State Veterans Home (2013-2018); St Luke’s Regional Medical Center (Boise) and St Luke’s Meridian Medical Center (2002-2010); Family Medicine Residency of Idaho (2001-2003)
- Chief, Inpatient Psychiatry, Boise VA (2003-2008)
- Fort Campbell, KY
- Acting-Chief, Department of Behavioral Sciences (2000-2001)
- Chief, Psychiatry (1999-2001), Blanchfield Army Community Hospital
- Division Psychiatrist, 101st Airborne Division (1997-1999)
Current Clinical Work:
- Boise VA Medical Center: Outpatient Psychiatrist; Consultation-Liaison Psychiatrist in Medical/Surgical Wards, Rehabilitation, Hospice and Nursing Home; Suboxone Medical Assistance Therapy for Opioid Use Disorder; Electroconvulsive therapy; Psychosomatic Medicine; telepsychiatry to both outlying clinics and to patient home settings.
- Teaching: Outpatient Caseload Supervisor of Psychiatric residents; mentor of rising leaders at Boise VAMC; presenter at weekly multidisciplinary meetings of Boise VAMC staff on themes of quality, patient experience, and employee experience; live supervision.
Leadership Positions:
See past work experience.
- APA VA Caucus Co-Chair (2012-2017)
- Co-Facilitator, Weekly Social Work training group (2005-2009).
- Psychiatry Clerkship Coordinator, University of Washington School of Medicine WWAMI Idaho Track medical student psychiatry rotation (2001-2003).
Areas of Interest (including publications):
Special interest psychosomatic medicine (Board Certified in Consultation Liaison Psychiatry); group work (Certified Group Psychotherapist); research on therapeutic boundaries and dual relationships; clinician-patient interactions, empathic communication, live supervision using one-way mirror and “bug-in-the-eye” (instant messaging) technology; psychology of faith development; work-life balance; organizational health; transforming employee experience; embracing play.
- Psychiatry, 1997 Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Wash D.C.
- M.D., 1993 Loma Linda University, Loma Linda
- B.A., 1989 Point Loma Nazarene College, San Diego